Thursday, November 4, 2021

Bad Press

 One thing the radical conservative media do quite well is set the discussion.  By that I mean it attacks a particular point which leads to a response setting the stage for the discussion.

For example, most of the discussion about the end of our pressence in Afghanistan related to the Airport confusion and not the fact that 20 years of involvement, billions of dollars and avoidance of future deaths were being ended.

By steering the discussion, the facts don't change just the perception.  So the exit from Afghanistan registers with many Americans as a bad thing, not the end of a long fruitless war.

Take immigration.  This country was built on immigration and the impact of it is almost universally favorable with a few exceptions.  They complement the labor force and help the economy, not hurt it.  They have very little impact on most Americans but supplement our labor force in jobs that are often hard to fill without them.  By the second generation they are as American as anybody.

Yet most discussion about them revolves around negatives pictures and portrayals.  Yes they are held in containment when they first arrive and containment is not a paradise.  This is an important go to for the radical conservative media pulled out whenever they need it. 

The idea that this country is becoming more diversified is something portrayed as the replacement of white Americans in this radical conservative world.  Not replacement just supplementation.    The country of today is not the country of 1776 or the 1800s or even the 1900s.

It grows and changes and we add more Americans, of various sin tones and religious beliefs.

Its who we are despite the negative radical conservative media.

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