Monday, November 29, 2021


I was watching on the news a group of about 20 white nationalists march in a local town on Saturday.  It was very unclear what the reason was and they marched, waved flags shouted some nonsense and eventually went home or maybe out.  

I guess the chant about how they will not be replaced might be the most relevant to why they marched.  They will be replaced, we all will, but they mean they want to be replaced by more white people.  They should stay home and make babies if that is the case.

The distinctions they make are absurd really.  White people do not represent a separate piece of the human race.  It's also a flexible group which used to exclude many people who are now welcome with open arms 

I don't know about these individual marchers but most of them looked like they wouldn't turn down a date with almost anyone even if it involved race purity.

Human nature being what it is, when people are placed in close proximity to each other there is interaction.  Hating a group is easy, haring an individual is harder.  Once you think of them as people the fight is pretty much over.

The replacements are likely to be a darker shade of pale.                                                                                                                                            

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