Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Human Infrastructure

 How much has the interstate highway system been worth to the country over its existence?  I don't know if it can be measured but it has provided better access, better ability for trucks to move cargo and ultimately safer driving.  It was a big cost for its time and fiscal conservatives said we didn't need it, but infrastructure does pay dividends.

We've already passed the physical infrastructure part but the human infrastructure part is still pending.  Providing services to all our residents helps to level the playing field for working families who otherwise couldn't afford child care 

We have terrible income inequality in this country and one way to combat that is to take social infrastructure and fund it with treasury funds.  This removes significant expenses so it amounts to an indirect pay raise for our middle and lower classes.  There is a squeeze on the Middle Class where they make to much to get certain benefits but not enough t afford them.  It forces tough decisions and problematic home life.

Investing in families is never a bad thing.  The more we can free up middle class people to pursue their dreams the more return we will see in family values and outcomes.  Problems will still exist but if all children get the preschool they need to compete, the health care and a better home life, we are certainly on the right track.

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