Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 There is a simple element of human nature that plays into elections and explains a lot at times, anger motivates people.

Our system of voting requires a certain amount of motivation.  I almost never fail to vote but yeaterday I did wondered a bit what I was voting for as I prepared to leave.  I did vote but there were almost no candidates or issues I cared about very much.

I could easily have expressed my views in an easier fashion.

You have to wonder about why we have elections on years like this when everything is pretty local and the motivation is simply not there, unless you are angry about something, like losing last time.

I know a lot of effort is put into studying why elections follow certain patterns, and I haven't done any of it, but I do know that if I am angry I am there.  If I am content and happy, maybe not.

The solution is to make voting easier if we want to be inclusive.  

Some really don't want to be so they count on apathy every so often to help them out.

We serve it up a lot.

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