Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Polls Time Sensitive

 There are sure a lot of predictions being shared about the id-terms which are a full year away.  Some polls show Biden down and potential destroying his party's chances next year.  Of couse that is now and he was up last year so who really knows?

In science and the social sciences, there is a potential problem that when you do a study you impact it.  You are either manipulating the objects to study them or are influencing people you interview by your reactions, even if involuntary.  Its one of the things that makes polling a bit capricious.

People, at least most people want to tell you what you want to hear.  This might not even be conscious.  As a species fitting in is a good survival technique, it creates a safer space than being alone.  So when youget interviewed, with a few exceptions you are trying to feed back the right answers.  

Polling can be importan to a campaign telling it what is popular and what is not.  How predictive it is is another matter.  His popularity should increase now that the party has passed the infrastructure bill.  When these polls were taken the situation being ortrayed was how the Democrats were in disarray and possibly unable to pass anything..  . 

Now of course they have.

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