Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Election Day, Vote

 There are people in this country who are convinced that they are the actual real Americans with rights not shared by the "Others".  The "others" is everyone that doesn't vote like they do.  They most likely have a "real" job, if they are working, a "real" religion and a "traditional" family that doesn't tolerate this new radical idea that people can choose who they want to be.

It is a mostly white, mostly male dominated sector where men are really men and own enugh guns and pickup trucks to dhow us.  Things were fine until these socialist radical leftists messed it all up with their social equality, feminism and satanic gender identities.  

They are the defenders of the real America and for some reason they have decided a New York ex slum lord, ex developer, ex reality star who has trouble with reality, is their representative.

They are so sure of themselves that they are willing to ignore our great history, or reinterpret it to support their ownership rights.  They weren't the first ones her so they base their claim on violent expansion and the rights of conquest.

Millions of people who may have been here before them are descendants of people brought here as slaves, and since they look different  will always be treated as such.  If you came from the far east and look it, you also will never be one of them, really.  In fact is some convoluted way, people from countries to our south, who originated with European stock are not tainted by their new countries and not acceptable.

The best way to stop them is at the ballot box.  We simply have to get out and vote.

Not too much to ask, although some seem to think it is.

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