Friday, November 5, 2021

Elections Musings

 November is the month of elections, veterans and giving Thanks. We hve an election every year and this was a year without significant elections for the Federal Government but we did have some significant State elections.

I'm not sure why States would schedule elections historically on off-years since it pretty much guarantees lower turnout.  That might be the goal.  getting people, at least certain people to stay home and not vote seems to be a major goal for some.

Getting people to vote should be the goal.  Some worry that there is a lot of voter fraud and they point to things that are not voter fraud as evidence it exists.

I'm not familiar with every State but the one I live and vote in has not adapted fully to modern technology, and I believe that is likely the case most places.  For example, much of what they know requires self reporting, so if you move and don't change your voter registration you will stay on your old district rolls.

If you move out of state you might end up as registered in two states.  

Now it is possible but somewhat unlikely the if the two states are adjacent you could vote twice, but it would be pretty foolhardy since if caught the punishment could be severe.  The people who say voter fraud exists cite things about dead people registered to vote.  Well once again, self reporting fails when the person dies.  Giving the fact that dead people can't actually vote the only danger would be if someone cast a ballot for them, which going back to 2020 happened a few times and just wasn't a real problem.

I saw a headline about the fact that in one State, 35,000 dead people were still registered to vote.  Cleaning up voter registration roles is not the problem and that sort of report is used to make people think it is.

If it said they voted you would have something.

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