Thursday, November 18, 2021

Normal, not New

 There are people who believe the radical right's rhetoric about Joe Biden and how he s ineffective.  Well then how did he accomplish more in just 10 months than the prior occupant did in 4 years?

We are actually out of Afghanistan even if the exit looked a bit messy on TV.  Things happen, but we are no longer risking our young men.

We have seen a great decease in Covid although there are significant groups still refusing the Vaccine. Yes the vaccine did start under the prior administration but most of the country returned to mostly normal behavior.  

A lot of relief money was injected into the economy and i worked as unemployment has decreased and there are plenty of jobs available.  We have seen some price increases but with some exceptions people are shrugging that off as sales are showing strong increases.  

Wages are up and we haven't seen an influx of undocumented immigrants. While that problem is not sved, it may be unsolvable, the border is no worse than it was previously.

We now have a bi-partisan infrastructure bill that will fund needed improvements to infrastructure.  I get a kick out of right wing commentators who attack obscure provisions that mean almost nothing.  It will be a great improvement over the previous administration inability to get a bill introduced, let alone passed.

We are now getting close to passing the second part that will be a great benefit to the regular citizens of this country.  Interesting how the media played up all the negotiations as if they were destroying the administrations policies instead of the normal give and take of Washington politics. Maybe the last 4 years of near dictatorship confused them?

In the media everything is blown up out of proportion.  Life in America is returning to normal and we are entering a holiday season prosperous, with no wars and plans to combat climate change.

Isn't that what we want?

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