Friday, November 26, 2021

Seasonal Work

For some reason this is Black Friday, not a celebration of Black culture but simply a day that shoppers buy so much that the bottom line of many stores goes into the black, or profitable.

That's a statistical measurement and not an actual one.  I would suspect it describes very few stores.  There is no doubt that the Christmas season is very significant to retail and therefore also to their distribution chains.  I have fond memories of this time of year going way back to when I worked part time jobs in High School.  It was a good way to make a little money, and I do mean little, while being part of a bustling world where everything was sort of critical.  I used to work in a shipping department of a high-end clothing store folding clothes for shipping.  The customers were often people I had heard of and everything had to get packaged and shipped in time for Christmas delivery.  

Thinking back I remember it as a fun time although on the first day the head of the department literally took out a bull whip and cracked it over our heads.  I didn't think he would ever actually use it but some of my fellow workers said he would.  It provided a buzz and a lot of conversation, an ice breaker and it ended up providing us seasonal workers something in common.   

I was impressed with how well he handled it.

Today he would probably be charged with harassment.

That was a different world.


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