Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Business Man Sinner

Business people are not generally considered candidates for sainthood.  First making money is the primary objective which in most reading of the bible is not a road to heaven, in fact they have a pretty difficult passage.

Now besides that, they sometimes have to do things that might be unethical, or borderline unethical, although not everyone has to stoop to that.

Of course the reason money is the root of all evil is that it provides access to more evil.

So in addition to whatever perils the business world offers we have the other temptations they are prey to.

The firs one is of course greed as they acquire things.

Adultery and coveting are also dangers that money makes easier.

Gluttony, pride, envy are often right up there.

In fact our current President has exhibited pretty much all of these.

Now oddly despite his recorded messages showing his covering of his neighbors wife, and know issues with adultery he had the support of many evangelical Christians.

Of course he has also clearly lied frequently, in fact he could be held up as an object lesson of how to commit deadly sins.

Yet they voted for him because he promised to end abortions and maybe because he was supposedly a good business man.

This is akin to electing Satin because he runs hell so efficiently.

I hear he has a special place for hypocrites.

It will have many new customers coming.

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