Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Buck Doesn't Stop Anywhere

Well we now know that everything is someone else's fault, even those imaginary things he comes up with.

Now it might be true in some cases but it is also true that he isn't responsible for everything that goes right.

He is OK with taking credit, just not accepting any blame.

This goes back to his business career where he was a genius who was misled or betrayed, or in a number of cases like Trump University, the unhappy people were liars out to cash in.

The most notable egomaniac that comes to mind is Adolf Hitler, who based on his early successes thought he know more than his generals and in fact everyone else.

It didn't end well for Germany or the millions who died, but I'm sure if you could ask him it wasn't his fault.

His whole career was based on a certain group betraying Germany in World War 1.

Unfortunately, too many people fall into this trap of finding people to blame for what is going wrong in their own lives when it most likely is more like being caught up in a natural disaster.

Mexicans are here to do jobs no one else wants, not to steal jobs.  Second and third generation Mexicans do fine, just like all the other immigrant groups that preceded them.

Refugees are not a bunch of terrorists, they are people caught up in terrible events who need help. 

Immigrants are the way we renew the American diversity so we don't become too inbred and stagnant.

Some people in every group will end up being criminals or even terrorists, but that includes our native born people.

They aren't statistically likely to impact most Americans but of course everyone should be careful anyways.

Take responsibility for your own life and its problems as well as its successes, the buck has to stop somewhere, and acting like the president is simply being a cowardly egocentric person.

If you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth, it doesn't work well.

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