Friday, April 21, 2017

Each vote should be equal

Well, the guy who wasted lots of time and money investigating nothing has decided to leave the congress when there might be something worth investigating.

I don't think that being in Congress right now is a good thing for the Republicans.  They are fighting among themselves and can't blame the President for the fact that they can't pass anything.

Unfortunately, the crazies may impact the rest of us if they can't agree on a spending measure to fund the Government.

There are so many safe districts now its hard to imagine them losing control of congress until the districts get redrawn.

It does make you wonder why we can't come up with a better solution.

Its fairly easy to see that the current system rewards geography over population.

Since the large urban centers tend to be heavily democratic, its easy to mitigate the influence of those voters by having districts that are high percentage democrat while gerrymandering the rest of the districts to have small republican majorities.

This has led to the following non-democratic result where more votes were cast for democratic candidates for the House, the Senate and the President, yet all three are controlled by republicans.

Without some significant changes, this may continue for quite a while, but while the Electoral College and the Senate are influenced by our Constitution and our State sizes, the congress is the most undemocratic one of all because of gerrymandering.

The congress is the one where the majority should win and while we have seen a few recent court decisions negating biased redistricting, there is a lot more.

Unfortunately, this is nothing new, but computers have increased its effectiveness and it probably would require an entirely new approach to be fixed and fair permanently.

Making each vote equal is something we should all agree on.

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