Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How to be 100% Right

We have a new concept of being right.  Just say you were even if all the facts seem to indicate you weren't.

Surprisingly no one ever thought this would work, but in our world of alternate facts it seems to.

Now you would think that it would be easily contradicted, but anyone who does is promoting fake news.

This seems to be some combination of Alice in Wonderland and 1984 in Washington now.

Now the fact that the government is ineffective might actually be a good thing.

Its more the actual bungling that worries me.

What is going to happen in Korea is hard to predict.

The lunatic in North Korea is capable of almost anything and our lunatic is just as bad, as long as he is not the one put at risk.

Winning a war against a country like North Korea is not an easy thing, and like the last time, don't think China would let us overrun it.

Now, since there are no cooler heads involved, what might happen is totally random.

Who is provoking who is sort of an irrelevant question.

We have allies there who could be harmed tremendously.

We have troops there in danger.

What we are trying to achieve is poorly defined and likely to be impossible.

Hopefully its all just a bad dream and will fade away with a smile on its fact.

We know that whatever happens, our lunatic will say he was right.

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