Saturday, April 1, 2017

Worst April Fools Joke Ever?

So today is the day we find out that everything was just an elaborate April fools joke that started back in November?

It explains how we seemingly lost our collective minds as a nation and elected a sexist, egocentric, delusional person and his band of keystone cops to the most powerful office in the world.

Putting everybody through this was really pretty cruel, even as an elaborate hoax.

I mean the big beautiful wall that would cost billions and displace landowners along the border was really a dead giveaway.

The lock Hillary up chants for sending work related emails was another clue.

The idea that we would replace a working health care system with a real mess that protected no one was another.

Also giving rich people big tax breaks while cutting assistance programs was inspired.

Defunding Sesame Street and the wonderful programs that provide some learning opportunities for out children without sugar laden cereal commercials was ingenious.

Did we really believe we were bringing back coal?

How about replacing robots with workers, who would do that?

Giving a bill to the German Chancellor was a stroke of genius.

And the supporting cast really played it well, bringing us alternate facts and complete denials of reality without missing a beat.

Not to mention the kowtowing to Putin and the cabinet selections.

Not only were they unqualified, they actually were on record as enemies of their own departments.

Education run by someone who wants to eliminate public schools.

EPA run be someone who wants to pollute our air and water.

It was so elaborate and really pretty convincing, although a bit mean after all.

So now is the day it comes to an end and we return to normalcy.

Aprils Fool!

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