Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dirty Tricks

It should come as no surprise that someone elected by among other things telling lies and relaying false news with some foreign aid, is not averse to using dirty tricks and throwing uncertainty into the Affordable Care Act subsidies while insurers are formulating next years rates is certainly one of them.

While the Republicans are unable to come up with a workable replacement plan, the administration threatens to hit at the very concept that make the affordable care act affordable the subsidies that reduce premiums for lower income people.

We know he cares nothing for them, especially since many of them were tricked into voting for a person with no moral character and absolutely no working class credibility.

Its a bit scary that the American working class has been reduced to a bunch of patsies who believe lies and don't know who is most likely to help them and their families prosper now and in the future.

They were the backbone of our union movement that did so much good which has been quickly forgotten by those it helped.

These are the people I come from and I know some are hurting s the world they knew has changed and the promises they had been given have disappeared in the fact of automation and technology.

Now they have an administration that thinks it can make more empty promises and get their support.

You never used to be fooled so easily and I want to tell you that Donald Trump is a boss, he's no Jimmy Hoffa.

Bosses taking care of you?  Sure, and unicorns in every back yard.

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