Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Root of all Evil

Money has that reputation and it is indeed well deserved.

Of course our politics are controlled by money and one may safely say that politics is the fruit of evil.

We have allowed this to be our system and in general we don't care very much.

If you consider the way people decide who to vote for, being aware of a candidate is possibly the major factor in many elections.

Its one of the reasons incumbents do so well in many elections.

Certainly it has helped certain people who got famous via media in elections.

It also helps people from well known political families.

Of course if you don't already have that name recognition you have to create it and that costs money.

However the other thing about money and politics is that politicians can never forget that it ultimately decides who people vote for.

Yes some people have specific issues that might influence them, but if you aren't doing well economically you will vote for the candidate you think will help you.

It doesn't mean you are right, it just means you are looking for hope.

When a sexist, profanity spewing, draft dodging billionaire can convince working class people that he is going to produce jobs, they vote for him.

There were some other factors, but it was the promise of better jobs and a return to the middle class that got him over the finish line.

The fact that his analysis and proposed solutions are silly didn't matter.

Similar to many scams the lure of money made people ignore reality and believe the con.

It always ends up hurting them.

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