Thursday, April 20, 2017

Honest Abe's Party?

Republicans sometimes like to talk about the fact that they are the party of Lincoln.

Of course it is pretty unlikely that Lincoln would be a Republican today, although comparing someone from his era with the situation today is highly questionable.

I do know that the current things the party stands for and the leader are nothing like Lincoln or his positions.

Lincoln was born in a log cabin on the frontier and worked many jobs, including a stint in the militia before becoming a lawyer and an abolitionist.

The current leader was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in New York, and never really had a job where he worked for anyone except his father.  He never served in the military and even had an imaginary ailment that got him an exemption.  Despite talking tough, there is no evidence that he ever actually fought anyone except verbally.

Lincoln tried to unify the nation and was forced to fight a terrible war to preserve the Union as the South seceded.  He was willing to forgive the people who rebelled and bring the Union back together, but of course he was prevented by an assassin. 

The current occupant can't forgive any slight and has no interest in being a unifying force.  He seems willing to risk other people's children in his idiotic grasp of foreign policy and the world he lives in.

Lincoln had a keen intellect and was a masterful debater, who discussed real issues and solutions and has left us one of the most inspiring speeches of all time in the Gettysburg address.

Currently we have somewhat inane tweets that will live on in some sort of infamy.

Lincoln was a devoted husband and father who never had a hint of scandal associated with him.

I wouldn't know where to start in describing our bad mouthed, disrespectful, womanizing, sex abusing current president.

No, the current republican party may be descended from Abe's party, but it has lost any family resemblance a while ago.

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