Monday, April 3, 2017

Its Howdy Doody Time

Well we live in a country where what is said on certain TV channels and fake news sites dictates our policy.

If you reject everything that you don't like as fake and accept everything garbage news as real, well we are living in a TV show.

I'm sure that growing up the president was influenced by the Howdy Doody show like much of his generation, and I gather he took it to heart.

He learned that being a puppet was OK, a lesson he has grasped well.

He has basically filled his inner circle with characters from the show, he is of course Howdy.

Bannon is Buffalo Bob.

The rest of the players are various characters, Princess Summerfall Winterspring is Ivanka, I like Spicer for Clarabelle and you can picture the others as the various puppets.

They did create a fictional world where everything turned out great and nothing bad ever happened in Doodyville!

Everybody liked Howdy.

Its what great means to our President!

It’s Howdy Doody time
It’s Howdy Doody time
Bob Smith and Howdy too
Say “Howdy do” to you
Let’s give a rousing cheer
’Cause Howdy Doody’s here
It’s time to start the show
So kids, let’s go!

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