Friday, April 14, 2017

We Dropped a Big Bomb

Well we continue to be at war, a war which for most of us is something we notice fairly infrequently.

Obviously if you have a loved one who is serving or who was killed or inured it is a very real war and for those we attack with our modern weapons it is certainly real, but for many of us we hardly notice it.

The dropping of the bomb call MOAB got a lot of news coverage and whether it will be militarily effective or not remains to be seen.

Our Commander in Chief claims it was but I believe what he says about as frequently as I run marathons, which BTW is never.

Of course I can imagine myself running one, I did run what we called long distance when I was in high school but those days are long gone.

What does seem t be happening is a certain escalation in conflicts both in the middle east and the far east and possibly with Russia.

This is by someone who questioned why we were in those places in the first place, part of that believability issue.

Now, whether the wars were a good idea or not and whether all these years of conflict have made America safer is debatable.

We don't seem safer and we have had a lot of casualties along the way.

Everyone of our boys that we put in harms way is entitled to our full support, the question is why are we putting them in harm's way.

I'm not at all an isolationist, but I'm also not in favor of making other nations adopt our way of life.

If we want them to, we need to make it so attractive that they are unable to stop their citizens from demanding it.

I think since we have been engaged in these wars it has had the opposite effect, convincing many that we are in fact no better than a colonial power.

Defend America at all costs, but the America that is great is one that everyone envies because or our prosperity and way of life.

Can't bomb that into being.

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