Saturday, April 29, 2017

Saturday Strolls

The first 100 days is a pretty arbitrary number, but we have a pretty arbitrary president so guess its an appropriate measure.

Outside of greatly increasing Government incompetence I guess he got a Supreme Court Justice nominated which may be part of the first thing.

Republicans have found out that you can lie to the working class and take care of the wealthy without consequences, at least so far.

Its bad enough when the administration attributes one real consequence to an unrelated real fact, but we now see them attribute alternate consequences to unrelated alternate facts, Topsy turvy day is here.

Well we have a sort of business man finding out Government is harder than it looks.  Gee, conflicting interests, conflicting goals, lack of funds, people who want to attack and destroy you, economic issues, social issues, crime issues and of course special interest groups.  Who knew?

Biggest difference is that the boss in private industry gets to hire and fire employees.  In Government they have to get elected.  Would be like the customers hiring the staff based on them making promises.  Imagine a bunch of elected cooks working in a restaurant.  Who would ever eat there?

We know we elect incompetents, look at the congressional approval rating.  However, we kid ourselves thinking its all those other people.  Really?

Why are the people who own guns so paranoid about people taking their guns away?  Guess the personality that buys them in the first place might be a factor.

There is the America that actually exists today and the America that exists in some people's imaginations.  If you don't like the one that actually exists, you are anti-American.

If you look at the newest Americans and react with revulsion, remember, that was probably how your ancestor's were viewed when they came here, they would be ashamed of you.

A certain percentage of any population are going to be criminals.  But criminals aren't likely to be refugees or immigrants, they thrive in the situations that create both groups.  So refugees and immigrant groups generally contain few criminals.  The criminals stayed home.

I love how new politicians think that saying we will eliminate (pick any bad thing) has any actual impact.  We've eliminated poverty, racism, crime, drugs, drunk driving etc. etc. that way.  See how successful it is?

Remember the one thing the new president has learned apparently.  Its harder than you think it is.

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