Saturday, April 8, 2017

Saturday Ramblings

For those of you in favor of unilateral executive air strikes, less jobs, more pollution, less worker rights, and less equality, it must be a good day.

It is possible that a majority of Americans no longer care about the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, but I don't accept that.

It looks like Republicans may take another shot at health care, not sure they can agree on what day it is though, so we'll have to see.

If you put your faith in wealthy people to help the country, the only thing they have demonstrated is an ability to help themselves, to whatever they wanted.

I see so many posts talking about stopping things that aren't even happening, I have to conclude its a deliberate disinformation campaign.  Wish people would check facts just a bit.

Watching some interviews with Americans about current events and things I take for granted is pretty scary at times.  I mean its really scary.

There are still people convinced that Pizzagate was a real thing.  I mean how is that possible?

We are clearly moving further and further into a society of the have's and the have not's.  This is the problem that has been faced many times before by empires.  You can see how many survived it.

Its springtime and this is pretty depressing so far.  The good news is rich people are going to get even richer, so if you are one, you're in luck.

In the sci-fi world the future is depicted in a number of ways.  Most of them involve pretty bleak outcomes where either machines or aliens dominate us and we end up fighting for survival.  Some show us falling into a replication of the past with a despot taking over.  A very few describe a utopian future where machines do all the heavy work and we enjoy the benefits.  As much as i like the last one, it requires a sharing of the benefit so without that we end up with the despot.

Of course we are seeing more potential danger from nuclear proliferation and maybe the dark days of the cold war are coming back.

I wouldn't consider that making us great again.

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