Monday, April 24, 2017

Wall or Healthcare?

It seems that the major sticking points in funding the Government right now come down to build a wall or at least fund a study or we will cut funds off for the Affordable Care Act.

Now the wall is an unnecessary project but in the scheme of unnecessary government projects it isn't the worst idea ever.

In fact, there is an old adage about giving someone enough rope to make their own noose.

Republicans need democrats to pass a spending bill because many in their own party oppose the spending increases.  The wall qualifies to some extent as an infrastructure project that will give some people jobs.  The fact that it won't work and will if ever completed stand as a monument to the stupidity of this promise is possibly the best thing about it.

On the other hand, guaranteeing the subsidies for the Affordable Care Act will allow insurance companies to project more reasonable premiums for the next year and could go a long way to institutionalizing health care for many Americans.  Further progress on universal health care can proceed but keeping the gains we already have is essential.

Considering that the republicans can't come up with a workable replacement this might even lead to some bi-partisan efforts to improve what we already have. 

The wall as a glaring example of the idiocy of this administration will continue to be debated among republicans every year going forward.  It might be the gift that keeps on giving for admittedly a few billion dollars, but it will create some jobs.

With the bonus of funding the Government for the rest of this fiscal year.

Seems easy enough if you think it through.

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