Sunday, April 23, 2017

Science Is Knowledge

The word science comes from the Latin word that means knowledge.  So maybe we should call it what it is, knowledge.

Some people seem to think that science is something that scientists do.  That is a pretty modern concept, because for most of human existence knowing was an essential part of survival.

For many of us, science is now something done by people in white coats in labs.  That's sort of how it was taught in High School and what we do in our everyday lives is just living.

Of course in many ways we don't need to know as much as we once did, while have a lot more data available.

Few of us know how to start a fire from raw materials, although we may vaguely remember it has something to do with rubbing two sticks together, we use matches or lighters if we need to start one.

We observe the changing of the seasons but its more of a curiosity to us than a vital message from nature about what to expect.

Knowledge (science) to our ancestors was essential to survival, and the people with the knowledge were extremely valuable.

Of course it still is and they still are, but many of us don't realize it.

We used to know that we had to get ready for the winter, our knowledge told us so, but now we ignore the knowledge that we need to stop warming the planet.

Just like striking steel with flint produces a spark that can start a fire, filling the atmosphere with carbon will warm the earth.  It isn't arguable, it simply is a fact. 

Now in addition to whatever we are doing, the earth is doing things on its own.  That not conflicting.

We are entering an age where many people think that they can disregard what the scientists are telling them because well its how they feel. 

Of course how they feel is irrelevant, the citizens of Pompeii didn't feel the volcano was going to erupt, but it did and they still died.

Some of the things we hear about science are hard for us to understand, and may not seem relevant to our daily lives.  Of course subatomic particles and theoretical physics is something that is difficult to understand, but we see the results in the products we use everyday. 

The knowledge obtained in the past has led to the technology that surrounds us now, and the research of today will be used in the future. 

Its more than Tang.

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