Monday, April 17, 2017

How Many Sons

Hopefully the answer to that question is none.

However, the face off between two ego maniacs is unlikely to end well.

Now clearly we would like to see an end to the buildup of missiles and nukes in North Korea, and from our perspective they are a rogue regime that is out of control.

However, what makes our perspective the valid one?

Some countries have nuclear weapons others do not.

The ones that have them think no one else needs them.

The ones that don't have them feel left out and know that without them they can never be equal.

Now ideally everyone would destroy their nukes to make the world safer, but that isn't going to happen.

In fact the nations that have them haven't been the most peaceful ones looking at world history.

Now we also distrust any treaties that restrict nukes, since the inclination is to think the other side will cheat.

You can't prove that they won't.

So the deal with Iran has been heavily criticized by the current administration, although not really sure what they can do about it.

As technology improves, the ability to create nuclear weapons becomes easier.

So our best hope is that sanity will prevail.

History doesn't provide a lot of optimism there, especially when the players are so unpredictable.

So, the question is, how many sons, and daughters will this end up costing?  I still hope the answer is zero, just not sure that sanity is evident.

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