Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Politician Lies

Thee is a general belief that all politicians lie and lots of fact checking going on to prove it.

This of course has led to a feeling that since they all do it, it is something that doesn't really matter much.

However, the things we consider lying vary quite a bit.

What all politicians and pretty much all people do is overstate their own accomplishments.

This is pretty much exaggeration and when one of them claims to have reduced something by x% or save $Y it is pretty certain they are using the most favorable number they possibly can.

They are trying to sell you one something and this is mostly just exaggeration.  It might not even technically be lying, depending on the situation but we sort of lump it in as such.

What is less common although just a bit so, is misrepresenting past positions.

Politicians and people evolve or change views over time.  However it is sometimes in a politician's best interests to say they always supported something, even thought they may not have.

The problem here is that often explaining a complex evolution in a speech is tricky so its easier to simply say what you currently support. 

The fact that you may have felt, or voted differently at some point in the past, may be indicative of any number of things, but of course lying about how you felt is probably the real issue.

You wouldn't think they have to do it but the public is as fickle as can be so its always easier in front of certain groups to say you always supported them, even if only in your heart, than to explain how you evolved.

The way you lie about the past and the degree are what is important here, but its not the worst sort of lie, depending on exactly how long you stick to the lie.

They lying that is least common but the worst of the lot is simply lying about what your current positions are.

The first two are somewhat understandable in that you are trying to paint the best possible picture of yourself.  However, that picture should be currently accurate.  In fact the first two become problems since they may indicate your current position is not real or reliable.

When you are willing to lie completely about what you will do or what your intentions are you have now gone to full out lying.

This is the one that actually can have lasting consequences for people who believe your are currently sincere.  Generally, these type of liars get caught but it is a very few who can lie and stand behind the lies, arguing that they are right and every one else is wrong.

We have ended up with the worst type of liar in the office of the president and we have to deal with that for the next four years.

Hopefully we won't be fooled again.

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