Sunday, April 9, 2017

Public Service?

When you run for office in this country you need two things.  First you need money.  In fact your ability to raise money is possibly the most important discriminator between winners and losers, more than ideological positions in many cases.

Now the second thing you need is to get votes. 

Obviously the people who vote for you are the essential ingredient to success, but they are not the ones that get to influence you the most.

Its the people with money.

We effectively sell our Government every election to a large extent.  It was always bad but the Supreme Court Decisions that donations were covered under freedom of speech made it much worse.

Now, you may campaign against the establishment, and you may define the establishment as the "deep state" or the "liberal media" but the real establishment is and has always been the people with the deep pockets who you sell yourself to.

Now this raises the question of what is public service.

Government exists for a number of reasons, but it primarily is a way for a large group of people to decide on rules everyone must follow. 

Those rules can protect the public, or they can protect the people with money, but they really can't do both.

The rules are designed to level the playing field and without them the money people have a tremendous advantage.  They have the money and resources to spend which the average person doesn't.

When conservatives talk about limited Government, they mean Government interference in the ability of wealthy people to get wealthier.  They like to claim it to get the Government off the common person's back, but in all honesty it isn't on your back in the first place, at least not in the way they say.

Yes if you commit a crime you may get arrested, but if your a big business who sexually harasses an employee, you won't. 

Public service means ensuring the public has an equal playing field, without regard to money, race, religion, gender or sexual preference. 

Lets keep it.

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