Monday, May 1, 2017

Bipartisan Deal?

Word is that the two parties have come to agreement on a spending bill that takes the Government to the end of the fiscal year.  The actual details have something for both sides to get them to agree to it and the winners are the American people as a whole.

This is the nature of compromise which is lost on the hard liners in the congress. 

The biggest issue is the primary threats where the more fervent constituents enjoy significant clout since so few vote.

This creates an all or nothing entry bar to getting the nomination which leads to hard line stances in congress.

The idea of Government is to provide the nation with the best approaches to common problems.  Now most issues are not black and white, although some are.

For the majority of issues there is a spectrum of opportunity which is where the final solution needs to end.

If you believe that all the way to the left or all the way to the right is the only answer, we get no government.

Some think that is a good thing, but of course most don't.

The idea of compromise in the national interest is an old concept that seemed to go out of popularity.

Maybe the current retro trend will revive it.

It did the job.

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