Thursday, May 4, 2017


When you consider the lack of progress on almost everything that does on in clowngress, the only real achievement is that they can get all the members into a single chamber.

Its not hard, they have adequate space, and it isn't common for them all to be there, but it does happen once in a while.

Very little else does.

Today they might pass a so called repeal and replace measure meant to fulfill a campaign promise.

Of course it would still have to pass the Senate and it still doesn't actually fix anything except to give rich people a tax break.

High risk pools have failed every time they have been tried since they just cost a lot more than expected and the only way to make them seem to succeed is to make them unaffordable.

There are some real issues with the Affordable Care Act but instead of fixing them they need to have this charade called repeal and replace, otherwise it might keep a hated name that's been associated with it.

Its like your toddler decided to fix the world by keeping all the things he liked but eliminating all the things he didn't.

It would be a world of ice cream and cookies with no unpleasant reality.

Of course it wouldn't actually work and I think even most toddlers would realize that eventually.

Our clowngress isn't quite that smart.

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