Friday, May 19, 2017

Sing Like the Birdies Do

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

I think it was FDR who started the fireside chat traditions when he was President and it was pretty groundbreaking to be able to reach out to the American people directly.

Of course that seems a bit quaint nowadays, but still, it was less than 100 years ago and it certainly helped him sell his programs to the public.

Of course he was professional and followed a script to get a clear message out to the public that was coherent and logical

Now we have a new way of doing something similar, but its unscripted, uncontrolled and gives us insights into his mental state that is unprecedented.

Not being a psychologist, I can only talk based on my experience with people over my lifetime. 

We all see he world from a first person perspective when we are born and to some extent for the rest of our lives.

However part of maturing requires us to develop an understanding that there are other people who also have interests and desires.

Now its not the easiest skill to develop but most of us do a pretty good job of it.  It requires that you start to consider the needs of others on the same basis as you consider your own. 

It generally something we develop in a family situation and as we start to interact with others.

Some never fully develop it and become what I call self centered.  Everything that happens is only significant to the extent it impacts them.  Disasters and bad things happening to other people are simply events to be observed.

This is what makes someone a bully.  If he/she wants something that you have, it is obvious that since you don't matter the best solution is for them to take it, if they can.

Of course even those people while lacking empathy learn there are some limits to what they can get away with.

Watching the tweets coming out, this is one of the most self centered bullies I have ever seen and of course anything that happens to him is the worst that ever happened.

Everything that isn't him is simply an object that he can use or discard.  Sad in a way.

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