Friday, May 5, 2017

So funny except millions may die.

Another example of the show politics we now have instead of anything real took place yesterday.

Now I understand that in many cases one house will pass a bill knowing the other house may want to change some things.

However if the news reports can be believed the Senate isn't starting with the House version but crafting their own.

Now remember that the bill is passed using the reconciliation process which means it is only allowed to address budget items to avoid a filibuster.

One would think that if they had such good ideas for health care they could have gone bipartisan and come up with a plan that helps America.

But instead they passed a bill they don't really like to avoid the embarrassment of not being able to pass a bill.

How embarrassing.

Even more embarrassing is the president saying that Australia's universal health care is better than what we have.

He may have been talking about his misconceived vision of the Affordable Care Act, never can tell what is in that brain, but that statement as we watch the silly stuff in congress has to make you scratch your head.

Its like the congressmen have to get more money to their wealthy donors come hell or high water or at least be able to tell them they tried.

There is enough analysis of the plan to show how it will impact the people who actually need health care in bad ways.  Ultimately this is almost all of us and what many in the public and the congress don't seem to realize is that the people currently healthy are insuring themselves in the future by being part of a pool that includes older and sicker people.

As you age you start to reap the benefits of group insurance. 

Otherwise you simply die.

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