Sunday, May 28, 2017


During the last election there were a lot of allegations related to character of the candidates and it may have ended up being the decisive element.  Of course many of those allegations were baseless but they were repeated often enough to gain some credibility.

For instance on one hand we had multiple allegation that one candidate a sexual predator who treated women like objects and on the other hand we had allegations that one was married to someone who cheated on her and she defended him.

Now those two allegations are not the same in my mind but they are similar enough to cloud the issue.

In fact I would argue that the allegations were so plentiful and helped along by fake news in many cases that many voters decided to ignore all of them as simply noise.

The problem is that we ended up with a president who has a very questionable character and no idea on how to govern surrounded by people with questionable loyalties.

Voting is a right, but it is also an obligation.

Failure to have an educated informed electorate with access to legitimate information is the way democracy fails.

If you look at some famous failures of democracy in the past you see plenty of examples of it being perverted to the wishes of an unscrupulous tyrant.

The one thing that protects democracy is having leadership that respects it and that requires a certain degree of commitment. 

I don't think the current administration is clever enough or strong enough to destroy our democracy, but I have no doubt that they would if they could. 

Maybe though I under estimate them.  They have a coach who might have a game plan.

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