Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Even a Stopped Clock

There is a saying that says that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.  That's of course based on analog clocks and with progress it could be down to once a day.

No one can ever be wrong all the time, or I don't think its possible.  Now we do have a candidate trying to prove you can be somewhere between the White House and Mar A Lago, but still I don't believe he can do it.

Of course the fact that he seems to have almost no knowledge of history, geography or mathematics says a lot about the perils of expensive private education I guess.

He cites his time in a military boarding school as his military experience and thinks making a profit is equivalent to sacrificing your life in the service.

He believes he was wire tapped by the prior administration and that Andrew Jackson was turning in his grave during the civil war. Good news is that Fredrick Douglas is still around.

I saw a moronic TV personality argue that he doesn't lie, he just exaggerates a lot.  Now maybe when he says his chocolate cake is the greatest I'll give him a pass but when he says that Mexico will pay for the wall if we just front him the money, I have to pass myself.

I've seen that sort of thing on the streets of New York and get e-mail with similar offers all the time.

If you give them the money you don't get it back.

Now what I guess he is right about is that by creating a semi military approach to rounding up immigrants it has, at least or now, led to a reduction of undocumented coming across the border.

Now that sounds good to his supporters but it may just mean no one is available to harvest the crops for the type of wages they get paid.

Guess all the high priced manufacturing jobs they used to snatch up will be available (harder to find than four leaf clover).

Now he is going to settle the disputes in North Korea and Syria while his son-in-law brings peace to the middle east.  If they actually do any of that I would be in favor of giving one of them the Nobel Peace Prize.

I just wouldn't hold my breath.

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