Friday, May 12, 2017

The new Jefferson in the White House

The person who seems to embody our new president the most is George Jefferson, a rich guy who said pretty much whatever came into his mind while getting himself in and out of various antics.

He even lived in a deluxe apartment in the sky and was a friend to the working man (Archie Bunker)before he got spun off.

It took me a while to see the resemblance, partly because of the physical characteristics, but the personality just seems about perfect.

I will say that George Jefferson seemed to be a much more well intentioned person than our current president, that heart of gold under his brusque exterior thing, but there's still some plot twists ahead I'm sure.

You may have thought about Thomas Jefferson based on the title of this, but that's not even in the ballpark for this guy.

Just George wandering around admiring the residence in his bathrobe, watching TV and ranting and raving about whatever pops into his head.

It's a new standard for presidential behavior and it seems like the lowest one ever.

Not so much a president as an entertainer, with pretty low ratings.

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