Saturday, May 27, 2017

Challenge or Opportunity

Years ago I remember being told by an instructor that every challenge is also an opportunity.

Some let the challenge defeat them and others figure out ways to overcome the challenge.

It seems like this has become the defining characteristic of our society, the difference between those who want to give up and those who want to move forward.

We are faced with a number of challenges, such as climate change, terrorism, poverty, health care, etc etc.

We see the world of robots and automation eliminating jobs and forcing many people to reconsider their futures.

However, these challenges present opportunities as well as we can explore alternative energy sources, protect ourselves from terrorists, expand health care, and in general embrace the future.

The question is do we try to deny that the future is coming and bury our heads in the sand or do we embrace it and figure out how to benefit everyone, not just a few.

Unfortunately I feel that a large portion of the country would like to turn back the clock because the future scares them.

The associate it with things they don't like and fear it is changing the face of America.

Well, the face of America has changed many times before as we incorporated more and more people into it.  Rest assured, after a generation they are as American as anyone else.  There is a certain irony in that the children and grandchildren of immigrants who were viewed negatively have now embraced that view towards the new immigrants.

No one has ever been able to turn back the hands of time, and we need to make our country and the world a better place for all of us. 

We need to look for the opportunities and defeat the challenges we face 

Otherwise we are defeating ourselves.

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