Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Part of the world we now live in includes terror attacks against innocent people, in this case many teens.

Its not clear to me what the perpetrators of these attacks hope to accomplish and I don't know much about the suicide bomber who apparently did this, but the incidents are becoming simply random acts of violence with no real purpose.

Now maybe that is the essence of terror except it would seem that a terror campaign to be effective would have to include a way to avoid the attacks.

I believe the underlying issue is the fact that the West supports Israel, but it has become unclear.

It is also likely that the perpetrator of this was some resident who became radicalized.

In fact, as I write this, they haven't identified the attacker although the police believe it was the work of a single individual, who may or may not have been acting alone.

While likely related to a terrorist cause, it is entirely possible that it was simply the work of a madman.

It gets some attention and causes terrible grief to those who lost loved ones. 

It accomplishes almost nothing else, except perhaps to make the British people more determined to retaliate is some fashion.

This sort of event doesn't change anything on the world stage, it simply kills some innocent concert goers. 

Clearly some will try to use it for political purposes and while of course we need to do everything we can to prevent these tragedies it should make us forget our Western values.

If it does, they have won.

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