Monday, May 15, 2017

Positive Thinking

There are probably a million books about successful people and how to be successful.  Of course what constitutes success might also be worth studying, but achieving a goal whether artistic or monetary and being recognized for it is probably a reasonable measure.

The point is that defining what we mean by success is, it seems, always the first step in being successful.

Once you have a goal in mind, everything you do can be measured by either helping you achieve that goal, or preventing you from achieving that goal.

Take something like losing weight.  If you do in fact make that your overarching goal, you simply have to consider everything you do in that light.  Now if you simply want to lose weight, it probably won't happen.  You have to commit to it and use it as the standard that influences your behavior.

It is this sort of commitment that has been promoted under various names and programs, such as positive thinking, the secret etc. etc.  I don't want to oversimplify anything, but from what I can determine, it is the need to dedicate yourself to the goal that is the key component.

We all have heard the phrase that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.  This is essentially true, although there may also be physical issues with some things.  However, if it is within the realm of possibility wanting it is the most important thing.

You can't sort of want it or hope for the best.  If you muse how you would like to be a movie star but don't do what is necessary, the odds are really stacked against you 

However just wanting it a lot isn't enough either.  It has to be the yardstick that determines your behavior above all else.  If you decide that its' too risky to do what needs to be done, you are probably going to fail.

Is success guaranteed?  It might be, but what is guaranteed is failure if you fail to commit.

You can't fail until you actually give up.

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