Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Street Smarts

A number of things I learned growing up in the city have served me well over the years.  Now of course I'm not going to say I've never been hustled or scammed, but I do think that in general I have avoided the great majority.

First when someone tells you to trust them, especially multiple times, there's usually a good reason not to trust them.  It is possible that the phrase can be used in a hones context, but when you are interested in what is about to happen, especially if valuable are at stake, its a big warning flag.

Second, most bullies don't really want to fight, they want you to back down.  Real fighters don't threaten you they start fighting.  Now of course sometimes they are accompanied by a crew and it would be foolish to fight them then, but confrontation is usually the best approach.  Of course it has some risk but the choice is to be bullied.

Third, people who tell you how great they are usually aren't.  If they were that great they wouldn't have to be the ones telling you.  In fact in many situations, they don't want to think they are good, they want you to underestimate them. 

Fourth, most people are mostly concerned about themselves.  Some legitimately want to help others, but strangers you meet who say they want to help you for no apparent reason are probably up to something. 

Now this may come across as cynical, but when you live in a crowded metropolitan area, the ones that are likely to seek you out are often up to no good.  Most people are fine, but they are not telling you a story or trying to get you to trust them for no reason.

Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch.

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