Tuesday, May 16, 2017

No Secrets

We all know someone who is so eager to show he's important that he tells stories about how great he is.  Of course they include a lot of exaggeration normally and generally distort the facts so much that its hard to know what actually happened.

Now imagine that person in an important position where there were actually things that are important, but that he isn't supposed to talk about except with certain people.

Now, it might be that it was unclear that he couldn't tell foreign nationals about secrets shared with him by another nation, because we know he's basically an idiot, but to exclude the US press and in effect do it in private indicates he may have had an inkling.

Of course impressing Putin who he sees as a real leader as opposed to whatever he is, is probably important to him.  He seems to crave approval, and he's not getting enough of it right now.

This information, as I understand it, was provided to us by another nation so he not only leaked classified information, he betrayed the trust of an ally.  If other nations don't trust you, they won't share information.

For those of you who voted for him because you thought we should put America first, sorry, its a Russia first policy.  I guess he feels they will take care of us.

All those former iron curtain countries used to be so happy before we enticed them with gaudy trinkets like consumer goods.

We might soon have a better understanding of how native American felt as they lost their country.  Of course they didn't have the media we have today so we will watch it up close and in color.

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