Monday, May 8, 2017

Viva La France

After a number of elections that made it seem like voters had become narrow minded and xenophobic, we have an election where a substantial majority voted for a candidate who stands for a more balanced approach.  Macron's Election

While one of anything doesn't make a trend, the question is more along the lines does it stop one.  The last two significant elections had a narrow Brexit victory and a popular vote loss but electoral college victory for American xenophobes.  Were these aberrations or were they the start of a trend.

It seems that while you also have to account for local electoral factors, such as personalities and bias, the trend towards xenophobia is not as rampant as it could have been.

France has been targeted by terrorists is some of the more recent events and yet the vote shows a resilience that is apparently lacking in American voters.

Its even more remarkable in that America is clearly a land of diversified backgrounds while the French, have a more recognizable national identity.  Maybe it provides them with a better sense of self.  Of course they have fought against the loss of their French identity for many years fearing the influence of America and England. 

Enough to say that we see a victory for what I believe is the high ground in that election, where issues will be addressed in a rational way rather than based on irrational fears.

We could learn something from that.



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