Monday, May 22, 2017

Stop Being Poor

The main message of republicans is pretty much to stop being poor if you want us to help you.

They are perfectly willing to help rich people keep more of their money by not having to give any of it to poor people.

After all, isn't that socialism?

Why have Government programs waste money on poor people who are likely to be a poor source of donations?

Get big donations, help the donors make and keep more money, and repeat.

Now you have to talk about the middle class a lot and throw them a bone or two, but you really don't have to worry about the poor, after all the bible says they will always be with us.

Why go against the bible?

Now they should all just go out and get jobs and stay healthy or suffer the consequences.

They need to have some incentive to stop sitting around complaining about the economy and the unfairness of it all.

One option is to incarcerate a lot of them and pay wealthy people to run the prisons.

This is the republican version of a win-win situation, if you consider a way to house and feed large numbers of poor people and still provide profits to private individuals who can make big donations.

Those really sick and expensive people should just pay a ton for medical care or if they can't afford it, well everyone dies sooner or later.  Think Scrooge articulated that position well in a Christmas Carol.

We will need people to pick crops and change sheets as we cut back on immigration so just work a few jobs and hope you don't get sick.

All that extra money they give to the rich will have a positive impact on the economy, especially theirs.

For the poor, not so much.

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