Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Progress Made Us Great

In the beginning of human existence, we struggled to survive.  Clearly we started as gatherers and probably scavengers until we got enough tools to hunt, via progress.

Gathering turned into farming, and for many centuries farming was a labor intensive operation.  Eventually technology and science has greatly increased the food supply while reducing the number of people required to produce it.  Progress.

Hunting turned into herding or ranching and once again a fairly labor intensive process.  Of course we continued to hunt, but where hunting used to require groups of hunters, one person with a powerful rifle can bring down large prey.  Progress.

We used to make items by hand and it was of course very labor intensive.  Then factories and machines created the industrial revolution where we could produce more items with better and more consistent quality cheaper.  Progress.

This list can go into every phase of our existence and there has been one constant factor, we learn how to do things cheaper, better and faster, using less manual labor.

This is the essence of Progress.

Of course it has its consequences.  Each step forward displaced people who were raised in the old system.  It happens over and over through our existence although the pace really picked up in the modern era.

We aren't going to reverse it.  We shouldn't want to.

Currently the factors of automation and to some extent globalization have eliminated certain jobs.  Unfortunately it is similar to having your house destroyed during a tornado.  Its a painful mess but no one is at fault.  You need to build a new house or develop new skills.

Now pretending we can reverse progress is simply misguided.  All those patriotic buy American people went for the cheaper product.  If we are stupid enough to stifle innovation, we will diminish the future for our children and grandchildren.

Progress is, for humanity a force of our nature, those large brains.  Use yours.

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