Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday Ramblings

Now that the president is traveling to Islamic controlled countries do we have to let him back in?

Does anybody really not believe in climate change anymore?  I read article after article about all the Arctic and Antarctic melting going on.  Guess they just consider it fake news, but think they are taking secret swimming lessons.

The problem is that it seems to be going faster and faster and I just think that all the calculations failed to account for the cumulative impact.

The one thing that the climate change deniers are correct about is that there is a lot of atmosphere and changing it isn't easy.  We had the whole industrial revolution and the modern era of gasoline powered cars to get it to this state.  Reversing it will be a very slow process.

Of course, we have a near idiot in the white house who thinks that there are a bunch of people making this stuff up for some reason.

If you don't try to save this planer and don't massively invest in space travel, isn't that real terrorism?

Climate change deniers who do it for money should really consider what they are doing to their own children. 

Inevitably everybody will be convinced but the question is how long will it take?  Solving the problem gets harder every year.

The real question is why wouldn't we move to cleaner energy and renewable resources anyways?  They are the jobs of the future if we invest in them.

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