Sunday, May 7, 2017

Greatest? Show on Earth

Watching our government in action now a days is pretty entertaining.  The White House has no idea what is in the laws being passed and thinks congress pays attention to him.

I assume they tell him it has what he wanted and know he has no ability or inclination to actually read it.

Whatever advisers he has seem too busy with in-fighting to actually advise him and we have a bunch of apparent clowns each pursuing their own agenda while trying to be the last one to talk to the idiot at the top.

Further he believes the lies spread by the actual fake news outlets and therefore believes the mainstream media is lying since they tell him it is.

The best comparison I can think of are the latter days of Louis XV who never seemed to have much interest in ruling France and while he was king for a very long time he preferred parties and spending time with his mistresses to any actual governance. 

You might wonder why I would dig up a semi obscure French king for comparison, but as obscure as he is to most American he was an arbitrary ill-informed, disinterested leader of a major world power who managed to avoid the actual consequences of his behavior (his grandson, wasn't as fortunate).

It just seems to fit.

Trump is spending most of his time golfing or tweeting nonsense while the rest of the gang does various things.

It seems like as a country the fact that they can't do what they want effectively is a good thing.

Remember how efficient the NAZIs were and breathe a sigh of relief.

Trains aren't running on time under this administration, they may not run at all.

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