Wednesday, May 24, 2017

No Jobs, No Help

Some might still believe that the new administration is magically going t bring back the jobs that went away because of automation and outsourcing but I think most realize that isn't going to happen. 

Also cutting investment in new research and new technology, such as solar and wind we are probably going to lose out on many of those jobs leaving the economy in pretty much the same state it was or a little worse.

Now the thing is that the economy has jobs, just not the high paid jobs of the industrial era and if you don't have the right skills, the jobs left leave you almost struggling.

Now let's be real.  Some people don't want to work, and they try to get as much as they can from the government.  How many people are in that category, it's hard to say and they don't live very well by most standards but just well enough to get by.

The rest of the people getting help are people who do work, or who want to and can't for some reason.  However, for many people, the whole system is tainted by the first group who are in essence gaming it.

We are going to hear a lot about that first group as the new administration is going to try to sell the big cuts to the safety net in its budget.

However, the baby is in that bathwater and you can't just throw it out without getting the baby out.

Its the working poor and workers just above poverty who will hurt the most, because the people who game the system will figure out how to keep doing it.

Many of these people bought into the promise that good paying jobs that didn't require a lot of skills were coming back, they only left because we were stupid.

Sorry they are mostly being done by robots and if they take away your health insurance and your food stamps, reduce spending on public education, and other services, your lives will get worse.

Message isn't here's a job, its go find one you bum.

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