Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Well in addition to the normal nonsense that the twit in charge tweets most days, we have a really nonsensical one.

Now what he was trying to say is unclear and having a typo isn't all that unusual but sending it, and then not correcting or explaining it is.

Now we know he's not the sharpest tool in the shed but the question on many peoples minds has been is he actually suffering from a mental disorder.

Certainly this tweet doesn't provide an answer to that question, and I think we overuse mental illness as an excuse for crappy personalities.

If you just don't care about anyone except yourself are you mentally ill or just a greedy bastard?

I'm more in favor of the latter, but I'm sure that there is a description in the book of narcissistic disorder or something like it.

If you think about it, having a place to tell someone what you've done wrong and asking for help on how to make it right is a really old tradition.  It used to be called confession and now I guess for many its therapy.

Both are ways to absolve you from guilt, one via forgiveness and the other explains you couldn't help yourself because of ....

Of course how our parents and society treated us when we were young impacts how we behave now, and maybe working through those issues is helpful to become a better person.

I'm not sure its better than simple saying some Hail Mary's and an Our Father.

So is the twit in charge mentally ill?  I suspect he needed a few more spankings when he was young but I'm inclined to the greedy bastard answer.

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