Thursday, June 1, 2017

Paris in Springtime

I've never been to Paris, although its on my bucket list, but it supposedly beautiful in the Spring.

Now in order to keep it that way the French as well as almost every other country in the UN signed a climate agreement to reduce carbon emissions.

Now the science behind climate change is as conclusive as scientific research can be, we have worldwide data and centuries, even millennia of comparisons using ice cores.

However there are some who still deny it just as some still deny evolution or natural selection.

We seem to have more of them in this country then elsewhere, although they may just get more credibility here.

Ice is melting, waters are rising and if you live in a low lying area, you may want to sell your house instead of leaving it to your children.  It seems, and I believe this is predictable, that it is happening faster than the average prediction.

Science isn't a radical thing and projections and conclusions almost always veer to the conservative estimate, since that is the least disputable position.  Yes we always have those who point out, what in fact I am pointing out, the worst case scenario, but while a range might be shown in the data the projections will not be at the extremes.

Now, warming feeds on itself because as ice melts more areas that warm faster get exposed. 

It is already too late to prevent a certain amount of warming and melt (rising oceans) and the impact of the fresh water on critical currents is not clear, but we need to try to slow, stop and then reverse what is happening.

We're not saving polar bear habitat, we're trying to save human habitat.

Now humanity will move to higher ground and possibly adjust, but it will be an incredibly expensive exercise for no real reason. 

Also, higher temperatures means more energy and storms will be more intense as well as more frequent.

Lets not leave Paris, we need it.

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