Friday, June 16, 2017


Well as we watch the various roll back of things like civil rights, environmental protection and banking regulation we wonder what is the expected outcome?

Clearly most Americans want clean air and water, equal protection under the law and some control  over financial actions that can lead to terrible pain.

The actions are contrary to common sense, or let me say intellectual sense.

For example it may seem like the sun goes around the earth but we know better.  We also know that the world is round although much of the time it would seem flat. 

Now these things are provable but anything that we don't do ourselves requires a certain element of trust in those who do the required tests.

So if you simply don't believe the ice is melting and sea levels are rising because they don't look like it, well all the scientific evidence in the world might not persuade you. 

However, the majority of us can see the photographs and the analysis and know that the facts are clear and the water is rising.

I find it odd that some people who lived through the same things I did seem to believe there is some sort of conspiracy against America.

Of course at first it was a communist conspiracy which to some extent made sense as they were determined to undermine our way of life.

Now it has morphed into some sort of left wing conspiracy with ill defined motives.  They seem to want to save the whales, promote green spaces and have clean air and water.

Further they want to control big business and eliminate world hunger.

Clearly they are out to destroy America which was great when robber barons destroyed all those thing with impunity.

They are fighting a conspiracy that wants to keep American habitable, think Teddy Roosevelt was its founder.

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