Monday, June 5, 2017

Constitution, it slows him down

Our megalomaniac president who seems to be afraid of his own shadow said in no uncertain terms that he wants to ban Muslims is whole or in part because they might be terrorists.

Now I'm in favor of banning terrorists and I actually support incarcerating them, but as an American who believes in the constitution there is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Where you are born or who your parents are is not grounds for discrimination.

Some argue that the constitution doesn't apply, but it applies to all our laws and actions as a nation and not just to citizens.  Two people apply for admittance, their religion can't be the reason we accept one and reject the other.

Its our laws and policies that the constitution governs, even if it is inconvenient for someone's political agenda.

When you say the courts are slow and political, they may be, but they are required to follow the constitution.

As of course the president is, someone should tell him.

Our system of Government has its flaws, it led to a president who lost the popular vote by a lot due to the way we set up the electoral college.  However, we abide by the outcome because the constitution is the law of the land, even if its inconvenient.

I'm in favor of amending it to fix its flaws, nothing is ever perfect but that would be through a constitutional process.

Otherwise we have to follow it.

It's the law!

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