Thursday, June 8, 2017

So Is It Obstruction?

We now have Comey's prepared testimony and there is an ongoing debate as to whether the action of our president rise to the level of obstruction of justice or just his normal ego issues.

I'm not an expert on the law, but it seems similar to whether the drugs someone has on them is for personal use or resale.

We know you had drugs but was it enough for the greater charge.

Now the other issue is that for there to be an obstruction of justice impeachment, the house would have to vote for it and absent very convincing and overwhelming public opinion that is unlikely to happen.

So what does it all mean?

Well it shows we have a dumb ass as president but I think we already knew that.

The other fundamental issue is the role of Government.

The Government is supposed to serve the public not the president.

Now to the extent that the president is serving the public that should not be a conflict, but the best interests of the public include having public officials above reproach.

Asking the FBI Director to be loyal to the president instead of executing the laws of the land shows a failure to understand we are not a monarchy or a dictatorship.

We are a country of laws, and everyone is bound by them.

Investigations can clear people as well as convict but more importantly they get at the truth of the matter.

Something Citizen Trump used to demand when it was in his political interest.

It was always just politics.

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