Monday, June 12, 2017

Business Acumen

Sometimes success in business makes people assume you are something you might not be, like smart.

Success in business means you found something that people would buy that you had available to sell.

Now that doesn't tell you a lot about someone except what I just said.

It may have been something brilliant or it may have been pure luck.

Sometimes success happens because you don't know when to quit.

If you try enough things you might get lucky with one of them.

Now of course that points to persistence or a failure to realize what most people do, that for every such success story there are many more that didn't succeed.

Some of course inherited a business and maybe they grew it, but that is also possibly because of many things.

Now of course some people may argue that successful people have an intelligence that normal people don't understand. 

Interesting, but of course one has no proof for this.

We only know that they said yes when yes was the right answer or maybe no.

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